花名:小光 165cm.23歲.50kg
小光,就像一束光一樣,給人溫暖明亮的感覺 搭配明亮的雙眼,笑起來極具感染力。她的身材高挑纖細,皮膚白皙光滑,尤其是那對乳房,圓潤飽滿,彈性十足。她個性活潑開朗,床上功夫了得,絕對能讓你體驗陽光女孩的熱情與活力!
🇺🇸Recommended series of Japanese girls with temperament and sunshine
Flower name: Xiaoguang, 165cm, 23 years old, 50kg
Nationality: Japanese
The small light, like a beam of light, gives people a warm and bright feeling. With bright eyes, the smile is very contagious. She has a tall and slender figure, fair and smooth skin, especially her breasts, which are round, full and elastic. She has a lively and cheerful personality and is great in bed. She will definitely let you experience the enthusiasm and vitality of a sunshine girl!
☘️LINE: yy04325或yy4326
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